A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~~ Albert Einstein

2A2 Musiczz

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Last week (significant post)

Dear readers, I hope that you have enjoyed your last week, because I had a mixture of both happy and unhappy events on that week. At the beginning of the week it was tough but at the end of it was very 'slackish' and relaxing.

During Monday and Tuesday, the alarm clock was not ringing at it's usual time, 6:40 (I could walk to school) but instead it rang at 7:30, not because I did not set it, but because it was IT home-learning days! If you have seen my previous blogs, you can see that it was more busy than normal school days but gave us a chance to be more independent. (It is still very busy)

For the next few days, it was as panic-stricken as the end of the world. Because of many 'holidays', we have missed many test papers and the results was flooding in. I had some which are good, while some are bad. So far so good as I fave not have any failures yet, (please stay that way) and learnt a many good lessons and tips to do well next time.

All bad things must come to an end, and god things will follow. Friday may be considered a bad bay for some of you, but it was a fantastic day for me. For starters, we did not have lessons on that day, we had EOTA (End of term Activities) for our whole consortium classes (My school was divided into four consortium, I will explain later). Secondary one had Amazing race, secondary three had archery while secondary four had PAINTBALL (OMG), secondary two was not too bad, we had bowling, which is also the first time I bowl, so it was quite an experience.

We were split into groups of four and started to bowl. My score was not too bad, considering it was my first time and it was fun. Even though many of us had Co-Curriculum activities later, thanks to our seniors achieving fantastic results in the 'A' level examination, we got a 'half day', which means if we got permission from our teachers, we don not have to go to our CCA. Our teacher gave us permission, so we can rest at home and I do not have to face push-ups and physical training from my CCA.

That is basically all the interesting events that happen last week, I wanted to share with all of you my fantastic week. Hope you enjoyed it!

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