A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~~ Albert Einstein

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Monday, March 1, 2010

LA home-learning homework(Part 2)

Hi again everyone, sorry for the delay but I have worked hard for this second part of the ‘LA home-learning homework’. Whoo! Hoo!
If you have seen my first part, you can see that I am a naturalist and very intrapersonal. For this post, I shall answer a question based on my character.
The question is: ‘Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.’
Based on my own thoughts, I would most probably want to be friends with Atticus Finch, the father of Scout Finch and Jem Finch.
Atticus Finch was a respected and hard-working lawmaker and was then reelected without opposition many times. His wife died of a heart attack two years after Scout was born. Atticus is brutally honest, highly moral, a tireless ‘crusader’ for good causes, a virtual pacifist and, for the most part, devoid of any racial or class prejudices afflicting the other citizens of Maycomb. He goes to great pains to instruct his children on the importance of being open-minded, judicious, generous neighbors and citizens. He is eventually revealed to be an expert marksman, but he had chosen to keep this fact hidden from his children so that they would not in any way think of him as a man of violence. He was once the best shot in Maycomb County, but quit shooting because he felt he had an unfair advantage. Physically, he is described throughout the novel as a tall, middle-aged man with glasses to correct his failing eyesight, and hair slightly graying at the temples.
I would like to be friends with Atticus as I could be under his influence and become a better man. I could learn from his bravery, honesty, constantly help the poor as much as possible and of course, not to become a racist and treat everyone with respect. This can be shown when Atticus help defend the innocent Tom Robinson from going to jail and prove his innocence.
That is all I’m going to be sharing today, hope that everyone can leave a comment below to tell me your thoughts. Thanks!

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