A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~~ Albert Einstein

2A2 Musiczz

Friday, August 13, 2010

National Day Parade Celebration!!

Hi readers, I know all of you which have waited patiently for the next post, well wait no more! In this post I will be sharing with you my first-hand experience on marching in the annual Singapore National Parade!!

If you don’t know what’s going on, Singapore’s National Day is held on 9th August every year. This year’s parade was held in a place called the “Padang”, which is situated at the old Supreme Court. In case you don’t know, I participated in the marching contingent which was an event at the parade. I was marching in the St. John Ambulance Brigade contingent along with other uniform groups. We symbolize the psychological defence which is one of the “defences” in Singapore.

On that bright and sunny day, we arrived at the Singapore PITS building early in the morning. Security was very tight there was it was an important day in the history of Singapore. We had an early lunch at around 11 o’clock and rested for a while before going for the final rehearsal. The rehearsal lasted for 2 hours and I was severely sunburned (HOT). Again we had early “dinner” at 3 o’clock in the afternoon which consists of KFC and drinks!! We rested and rested for enough energy for the show…

The seats at the Padang were filled with enthusiastic people and we were getting ready for our time to shine. Our march-in was right after people parachuting out of a helicopter. We marched to the center of the Padang and stood there motionless. We were not allowed to move and stood there watching the rest of the parade from a birds-eye view. Important people such as MM, PM came and finally the President of Singapore arrived. We opened up our umbrella to salute him and from the TOP view it will spell the word SINGAPORE!! Impressive!!

The whole parade ended somewhere at 9, and my feet was sore at the end, but it was totally WORTH it. That once-in-a-lifetime experience cannot be brought even with all the money in the world! So I urge all of you to grab hold of opportunities that come to you. BYE!

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